Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week One BOC: Slip,Slap,Slop

  Slip, slap slop is a campaign that takes place in Australia against skin cancer.  Australia is Leading County of deaths in skin cancer.  The way that they want people to use sun screen is a much different way than the rest of the world.  They go about it in a very fun way, like us her in America just kind of say use it or die.  “Ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels in Australia are higher than in Europe, even during summer. Being located close to the ozone hole over the Antarctic means much higher, more severe levels of UV radiation get through to ground level.”  http://www.theozonehole.com/australianskincancer.htm.  Since they are so close to the sun the summer months are absolute crazy.  There are laws in Australia that make you use only certain kinds of sun glasses too.  You can’t just buy anything of the self you have to use UVA and UVB protection at all times. “As summer approaches in Australia and the Victorian SunSmart media campaign kicks into gear to celebrate 30 years of SunSmart, there are many who are yet to heed the warning messages.”  http://www.clinuvel.com/en/blog/lightandhealth/three-decades-of-slip-slop-slap-but-teens-still-want-tans/.  Sun Smart just re did the messege to make it look more now a day’s hoping that more people see it and like it and start to understand it.  The American Cancer Society suggests following a simple slogan of Slip, Slop, Slap when spending time in the sun. First, slip on a shirt. Wearing a long sleeve shirt is best, but a short sleeve shirt will also assist in protection. Remember to apply sunscreen under the shirt because rays can still penetrate.” http://www.med.navy.mil/sites/nhrota/InTheNews/Pages/Slip,Slop,Slap,ForSunSafety.aspx.  After reading this last bit I really hope that the rest of the world can get on board cause this is no reason to die if there are ways to prevent it. 

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